Channel bar

Channel bar
Supported standards JIS G 4317 Hot-formed stainless steel sections
Type of steel SUS304, SUS304L, SUS316, SUS316L, etc.


Product sizes and unit weights


(unit: kg/m)

Height H×edge B
Thickness t (mm)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
40×20 1.80              
50×25 2.28              
60×30   3.58 4.39 5.14        
70×35   4.23 5.19 6.10        
80×40   4.86 5.99 7.06        
90×45   5.57 6.85 8.08        
100×50   6.20 7.65 9.02        
120×60     9.23 10.9        
130×65     10.1 12.0        
140×70       12.9        
150×75       13.9     20.3  
160×80       14.8        
200×100       18.7 21.7 24.6 27.5 30.3
  • Dimensions that can be
    made (rolled part)

  • Dimensions that can be
    made (welded part)

    1. Unit mass based on SUS304.
    2. Welded parts have a flat bar butt welded on unequal angle bars.
    3. Standard inventory parts use SUS304, SUS316 and SUS316L. However, 40×20×3 and 50×25×3 are SUS304 only.
    4. Items indicated as rolled parts may be manufactured by welding.
  • Contact our sales people for production of items outside of the given manufacturing range.

Product specifications

Dimensional tolerance

Dimensional tolerance of welded parts(unit: mm)

Height H Edge B Thickness t tolerance
Dimensions Tolerance Dimensions Tolerance 4 5 6 7 8 9
60 ±2.0 30 ±1.5 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4      
70 ±2.0 35 ±1.5 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4      
80 ±2.0 40 ±1.5 ±0.4   ±0.4      
90 ±2.0 45 ±2.0 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4      
120 ±3.0 60 ±3.0   ±0.4 ±0.4      
130 ±3.0 65 ±3.0   ±0.4        
140 ±3.0 70 ±3.0     ±0.6      
160 ±3.0 80 ±3.0     ±0.6      
200 ±4.0 100 ±3.0     ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.6

Dimensional tolerance of rolled parts(unit: mm)

Height H Edge B Thickness t tolerance
Dimensions Tolerance Dimensions Tolerance 3 4 5 6 9 10
40 ±1.5 20 ±1.5 ±0.4          
50 ±1.5 25 ±1.5 ±0.4          
80 ±1.5 40 ±1.5     ±0.6      
100 ±1.5 50 ±2.0   ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.6    
130 ±1.5 65 ±2.0       ±0.6    
150 ±2.0 75 ±2.0       ±0.6 ±0.6  
200 ±2.0 100 ±2.0           ±0.6


Category Tolerance
Angle 90°±2°
Bending 3 mm or less per meter, total less than 3 mm × total length (meters) / 1 meter
Length 4 to 6m
Length tolerance +40mm, −0mm
  • Contact our sales people for lengths other than those given above.

Cross section properties (Reference)

Cross section dimensions (mm) Mass Cross section properties
r1 r2 Unit mass
Mass (kg) of standard length (6m) Cross section area (cm2) Position of center of mass (cm) Cross section secondary moment (cm4) Cross section secondary radius (cm) Cross section factor (cm3)
SUS304 SUS316 SUS304 SUS316 a Cx Cy Ix Iy ix iy Zx Zy
40×20×3 4 2 1.80 1.81 10.8 10.9 2.271 0 0.590 5.22 0.778 1.52 0.585 2.61 0.552
50×25×3 4 2 2.28 2.29 13.7 13.7 2.871 0 0.715 10.6 1.60 1.92 0.746 4.26 0.895
80×40×5 4.5 3 5.99 6.02 35.9 36.1 7.548 0 1.16 71.1 10.9 3.07 1.20 17.8 3.83
100×50×4 6.5 3 6.20 6.24 37.2 37.4 7.823 0 1.36 121 18.2 3.93 1.52 24.2 4.99
100×50×5 6.5 3 7.65 7.70 45.9 46.2 9.643 0 1.40 146 22.1 3.89 1.52 29.2 6.16
100×50×6 6.5 4.5 9.02 9.07 54.1 54.4 11.37 0 1.43 168 25.3 3.85 1.49 33.7 7.09
130×65×6 8.5 4 12.0 12.1 72.0 72.6 15.12 0 1.80 390 58.9 5.08 1.97 60.0 12.5
150×75×6 8.5 4 13.9 14.0 83.4 84.0 17.52 0 2.05 609 92.3 5.89 2.30 81.2 16.9
150×75×9 8.5 6 20.3 20.4 122 122 25.54 0 2.16 850 129 5.77 2.25 113 24.2
200×100×10 10 7 30.3 30.5 182 183 38.22 0 2.81 2310 351 7.77 3.03 231 48.8



Cross section secondary moment l = ai 2
Cross section secondary radius i = l / a
Cross section factor Z = l / e
(a:Cross section area)


Construction of the new AICHI STEEL main building
Application Construction of the new AICHI STEEL main building
Field Building construction
Shape Channel bar, Angle bar, Round bar, Compression bar, Flat bar
Type of steel SUS304A
Reason design characteristics
LNG tank construction
Application LNG tank construction
Field Building construction
Shape Angle bar, Channel bar, Flat bar, H-beam &T-bar
Type of steel SUS304
Reason low temperature characteristics
(Minobusan) Kuon-ji Pagoda restorationseismic reinforcement
Application (Minobusan) Kuon-ji Pagoda restorationseismic reinforcement
Field Building construction
Shape Channel bar
Type of steel SUS304
Reason Corrosion resistance
Shuto Expressway Shinjuku Route Tunnel fire extinguisher mounting fittings
Application Shuto Expressway Shinjuku Route
Tunnel fire extinguisher mounting fittings
Field Civil engineering
Shape Channel bar
Type of steel SUS304
Reason Fire resistance
KAMIOKANDE Water tank reinforcement materials
Application KAMIOKANDE
Water tank reinforcement materials
Field Plant & Factory equipment
Shape Angle bar, Channel bar
Type of steel SUS304
Reason Corrosion resistance

Product inquiries


AICHI STEEL Corporation
Sales and Planning Division

TEL +81 (52) 603-9362


Please complete any inquiries from the below.

Product inquiries form

  • Please understand that we may not be able to accept specific orders depending on the circumstances even for information given on this website. Feel free to contact us for the latest information.
    Note that information given on this website is subject to change without notice.