Management information

In August 2020, we formulated the Aichi Steel Group Vision 2030. Amid the environment surrounding the company changing greatly at an unprecedented speed , we believed that it was necessary to establish guidelines concerning the actions that the Aichi Steel Group should take in the future. The fundamental policy of the Vision 2030 is enhancing earning capacity by reforming business and manufacturing capabilities while putting ESG management into practice, and it establishes three major management guidelines:
- Contribution to a sustainable global environment;
- Creation of a prosperous society through business reform; and
- Employee happiness and corporate development.
In implementing these guidelines and measures, based on the Aichi Way and premised on maintaining a sound financial standing, we will undertake further business reforms adapted to environmental change, which is the numerator of fractional management, and manufacturing reforms centered on TPS and quality control, which are the denominator, and have set the aim of raising earnings capacity and achieving a consolidated operating profit of 20 billion yen, while maintaining safety, quality, and stable supply in that order based on the Aichi Way.
FY2024–26 Medium-term Management Plan
To achieve the Vision 2030, we formulated a three-year plan that takes into consideration the issues of the previous Medium-term Management Plan and seeks to demonstrate that we are a “good company” as well as a “growing company” that responds to changes in customers and society and can be useful to them.
To do this, we will reinforce our earning power and solidify our growth strategies while addressing sustainability issues in a manner distinctive of Aichi Steel, such as working toward carbon neutrality and a circular economy, and promote the creation of social value to maximize corporate value.
We will remain highly sensitive at all times to the business environment, which is undergoing rapid and constant change, adapt promptly and flexibly to change, and steadily mark milestones as we work toward achieving our vision.
Chairman Takahiro Fujioka
President Naohide Goto